

Jacqui Good

Executive Director

In March of 2023, the board of directors appointed Jacqui Good, former director of development and communications, as the executive director of the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities.

Good is a Pennsylvania native who has worked with nonprofits since 1992, in Philadelphia, Berks, and Montgomery Counties. Her career has included fundraising, project management, communication, and operations. Since coming to the Cluster in 2020, she has doubled revenue from non-government grants and gifts. She has also been a champion for the Cluster’s work in diversity and inclusion. “It is my strong belief that if I am effective in recognizing and supporting our dedicated staff, they will be able to do their best possible work for our clients and our community,” Good said. “Together we will work to see what needs remain unmet to help our neighbors move beyond crisis and into self-sufficiency.”

She has a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Good currently lives in Lancaster County with her spouse and animal family in the 1932 home that was built for her grandmother. She is the primary caregiver for her 90-year-old father, who lives close by. She spends her commute devouring audiobooks.

If you have any questions about programs or offering support, you can reach Jacqui Good at info@pottstowncluster.org. She welcomes your feedback.

Linda Dawe

Finance Associate

Kelli DeSieno

Client Services Specialist

Gayle Guss 

Administrative Manager

Matt Guyer 

Warehouse – Food Services Manager

Amanda Hoffman

Communications and Public Relations Manager

John Holmes 

Warehouse – Cargo Van Driver

Bonnie Kleintop

Food Services Technician

Maggie O’Malley

Special Projects

Melisa Roberts

Food Service Technician 

Patricia Shepherd

Food Services Director

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