Why Join and Why Support?  The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk will support the mission of the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities and efforts to provide food security to those in need in the greater Pottstown area. A portion of the funds raised here in Pottstown will support the work of the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities.
The 2021Pottstown CROP Hunger Details:Â The walk will be virtual this year. You can walk anytime and anywhere, individually or in socially distanced groups. The date for the walk is Sunday May 2, 2021, meaning that is the deadline for walks to be completed and money to be collected. We are asking all walkers to take a photo or video during their walk and share it on Facebook using #PottstownCROPHungerWalk2021 and tag us @Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities.
About CROP Hunger Walk: The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk is the heart and “sole” of Pottstown. It is the only event that brings together all members of our community — young and old, all faiths and walks of life for a common goal — to end hunger, one step at a time! This year we invite you to join the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities’ team, create your own team, or walk as an individual to help end hunger and poverty in the greater Pottstown area.
The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk is a community-wide event sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.
TEAM: Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities
CREATE your own team
Can’t walk this year? You can support with a secure online donation!