We are saddened to report the passing of Allan N. Altschull, on Saturday, April 18, 2020. Mr. Altschull served on the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities Board of Directors, from 2009 through 2016. He served as both the Vice President for one year and as President for four years. During his tenure on the board, he helped the Pottstown Cluster establish a permanent presence in Pottstown, through the purchase of both our properties on North Franklin Street and the renovation and opening of the Cluster Outreach Center in July 2011.
Mr. Altschull’s passion for the Pottstown Cluster’s mission was repeatedly demonstrated by his ability to introduce members of the community to and engage them in our work. Whether that was through finding new board members or new supporters, either financially or through in-kind service, he brought many friends to the organization, helping to grow and sustain our presence in the community.
We were fortunate to have Mr. Altschull participate in our President’s Plaque Reception earlier this year, where recent Board Presidents, including Mr. Altschull, were recognized for their service and dedication. The Pottstown Cluster was blessed by his service over the years and his impact to the organization will have a lasting impression. We extend our deepest sympathies to Mr. Altschull’s family on his passing.
Allan N. Altschull’s Obituary can be read here.
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